Film Festival

One of the biggest events of the Czech and Slovak Association of Western Australia is the Perth Film Festival.
Visitors to our annual festival can get acquainted with the contemporary as well as historical cinematography of Czech and Slovak production.
In 2014 our associates from Sydney and Melbourne approached our association with a proposal to organize a joint Czech and Slovak film festival. We hesitated, because in Western Australia the Czech and Slovak communities are not as large as in New South Wales and Victoria. We were afraid of little interest, so the 2014 film year was without Perth. The history of the Western Australia Film Festival began in 2015.
The date of this year’s Film Festival: November 2024
The program will be provided closer to the date
Years of the Czech and Slovak Film Festival in Western Australia

Filmy: 9 November – 3 December 2023
- Restore Point Czech Republic / Slovakia / Poland
- #Annaismissing Czech Republic / Slovakia
- The Ballad Of Piargy Slovakia / Czech Republic / N. Macedonia
- Buko Czech Republic
- Never Say Never Slovakia / Czech Republic
- Brutal Heat Czech Republic / Slovakia
- Journey To Your Land Slovakia / Czech Republic / Belgium
- The Killing Of A Journalist Denmark / Czech Republic

Filmy: 17 – 20 November 2022
- Zatopek / Cze
- Avalanche Of Love /Svk,Cze
- The Old Blunderbuss Mystery / Cze
- Emergency Situation /Cze

Filmy: 11-28 November 2021
- Scumbag /Svk
- Diary Of A Modern Dad /Cze
- Gump /Cze
- Even Mice Belong In Heaven /Cze, Svk/Fra
- A New Shift /Cze
- Prvok, Sampon, Tecka And Karel /Cze

Filmy: 18 – 22 November 2020
- Spider, The Climber Of The Century /Svk
- Charlatan /Cze, Irl, Pl, Svk
- Amnesty /Svk, Cze
- Princess Lost In Time /Cze, Svk
- The Droneman /Cze
- Havel /Cze

Filmy: Wednesday, 18 October
- Citizen Havel /CZ
- On the Roof /CZ
- The Lady Terrosrist /CZ
- The Magic Quill /CZ
- Loli Paradicka /SK
- Toman /CZ

Filmy: Wednesday, 21 November
- Larks on the String /CZ
- The Hastrman /CZ
- Bear With Us /CZ
- The Oddsockeaters /CZ
- Intimate Enemy /SK-CZ
- Jan Palach /CZ

Filmy: Wednesday, 18 October
- Anthropoid /CZ
- The Teacher /SK
- Angel of the Lord 2 /CZ
- Eights /CZ (Backlot Studios)
- Kidnapping /SK
- Roots in Ego (Fly by Night Club)
- Santini’s Enigma /CZ (Backlot Studios)
- A Prominent Patient /CZ

Filmy: Thursday, 20 October
(opening night)
- The Tiger Theory /CZ
- Stanko /SK
- The Devil’s Mistress /CZ
- Adela hasn’t Had Her Supper Yet /CZ-SK
- Through the Eyes of the Photographer /SK

Filmy: Thursday, 19 November
(opening night)
- Fair Play /CZ
- 38 /SK
- Photographer /CZ
- Three Brothers /CZ
- Seven Ravens /SK