Klokan Magazine

Our Current Issue
“Klokan” Newsletter: The Czech and Slovak community magazine was first issued in 1995. “Klokan” is Czech for kanagaroo.
The Community Newsletter KLOKAN was founded in 1995 and its characteristic name was given by the then club treasurer, Mr. Josef Netolicky.
Klokan is published once a month and informs about organized events, brings news from home or important information from consular offices, publishes interesting articles, entertainment and advertisements.
Since the beginning of 2011, Klokan has also had its full-color electronic version, and as “eKlokan” it reaches many more readers with the help of e-mail and web pages. Since June 2012, Klokan has expanded to include a separate 4-page appendix for children – Klokanek./Klokanček (or joey). The appendix is published alternately in Czech and Slovak.
Past Issues
We are looking for regular contributors for Klokan
Do you want to share your contributions or insights about life in Australia? We’ll be happy to publish them for others too!
Are you Czech or Slovak and have your own business in Australia? Tell us about how you got started, for example. That’s good advertising and it’s free!
Are you interested in journalism and would like to apply your hobby? Connect with us and our cooperation can begin!
Don’t write for a drawer. Test your work with real readers! We will be happy to chat more if you’re interested.
Send an email to: LucieVKlokan@gmail.com
Editorial information: The deadline for each issue is the 26th of the previous month.
The editors take no responsibility for articles sent to Klokan for printing. Contributions may be edited.
Klokan’s Editors
Lucie Vrbská
Dagmar Savka
Jiřina Hrabcová
Věra Sedláčková
Eva Pešková
Manželé Sorgerovi
Mirka Sulková
Emil Pešek a Eva Pešková
Josef Netolický
From 1979 to 1991, the Citizens’ Association, or its member Mr. Stanislav Menšík and his family, published the information “CIRCULAR” in Czech and English. The Circular was therefore an information medium that preceded the current Klokan.